I will start right off the bat by saying that I have a very limited history of video games. They have always been around and I liked playing them when I was a kid but overall I would rather watch a movie or read a book. I have tons of great memories playing video games and that's kind of what I will be going over here. I know there will be tons that are not mentioned as this is about my history with video games not the history of video games. Last year Gabe Nye the Science Guy wrote an article on video games which I suggest you read if you want someone that knows his shit, and by knows his shit I mean gave up the feel of a woman.
Some of my first memories of horror games would of course be for the NES. Fester's Quest is a game I would just play for hours. I always loved the Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th games but even at that young age knew they were pretty much pieces of shit. I didn't care though. I would play them for what felt like Christ ages just because two of my dudes where on the covers.

After the Genesis I was pretty lazy when it came to gaming, I mean even more so and that's saying something. I didn't even bother getting a PS2 till way late into the game. I lived with people who had one and would play some games here in there. I remember liking the Jaws one because it reminded me of Echo the Dolphin but with a shark, which is way cooler because dolphins are pretty lame and a shark ate Samuel L. Jackson. I never really played The Thing but when I lived with Jeremy Gaulkenstein he pretty much stayed on the couch in his robe playing it for like a month straight so I saw the whole game play. Army of Darkness had a few games but Regeneration is the one I remember. I liked the midget and it was mildly amusing. Good way to kill time till I got bored and put in a movie.
These days I still like to play a game here or there but usually end up seeing who Jason is killing instead. The new Splatterhouse owned me. It was a little repetitive but fuck, so were the old ones. The Resident Evil games are fun and definitely something I have enjoyed. House of the Dead is great when you have had a few drinks and just wanna shoot some fucking zombies, main problem is it always makes me put in the Uwe Boll movie.

I don't want to give the impression I don't love video games, they had a huge part to my growing up. I just am not the authority. This is my overview of games that I remember playing. I highly recommend Gabe Nye's article which you can read here.
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