Halloween marks many traditions. Costumes, Candy, Drinking pumpkin spice flavored beverages, and The Simpsons: Treehouse of Horror. This yearly event is something I look forward to time and time again. Ever since I was a kid and first saw the very first Treehouse of Horror, I'm glued to the TV every year...and most of the time the Sunday AFTER Halloween. This tradition grew from just my family watching it to getting together with friends and partying for it to now having all day marathons in preparation for it. Without a doubt, The Simpsons: Treehouse of Horror is a mainstay amongst myself and everyone the world over. So today I would like to share my Top Ten favorite Treehouse of Horror segments.
10. Attack of the 50 Foot Eyesores
would happen if all the billboards came to life? A better question is
what would happen if a Kent Brockman billboard came to life and killed
Kent Brockman? HISTORY. That's what happens. Homer likes donuts, so he
goes for broke and steals the greatest of all donuts and somehow manages
to smuggle it into his house unbeknownst to his family. A crazy
electrical storm comes through and brings the doughnut man to life who
goes around zapping everything else alive and then they all terrorize
the town. I like this segment because I've always been a sucker for
giant monster destruction movies like Godzilla or Gamera and this just
taps into that in a way I never thought possible.
9. The Monkey's Paw
THIS DAY I want a Monkey's Paw. How awesome would it be to have 4-5
wishes (depending on what universe you live in)? The Simpsons are at a
black market and purchase a Monkey's Paw from a crazy old guy. They
immediately start making wishes which turn around on them like the
Wishmaster and everything goes to crap. The funniest part of this
segment is when Ned takes the Paw and suddenly everything is OK if not
better again.
8. Citizen Kang
a child I didn't follow politics. I barely follow it now. But it was
because of this segment that I actually knew who was running for
president. And they were totally gay for each other. Kang and Kodos, the
yearly alien visitors, inhabit the bodies of Bill Clinton and Bob Dole
until the election after which they will enslave humanity and rule the
world. The best part is when the election is about to go down and Homer
crashes the UFO into congress....but no one listens to him anyway.
7. Dial "Z" for Zombies
else can you summon zombies wearing a Michael Jackson album? WHERE!?
Some of the greatest moments happen in this segment. Homer exclaiming
(with a shotgun), "TO THE BOOK DEPOSITORY!", Homer shooting Zombie Ned
not realizing he was a zombie, and Homer gunning down Shakespeare and
6. The Devil and Homer Simpson
already said that Homer loves donuts right? This episode exploits that
to a level never before seen. Homer sells his soul for a doughnut. When the
Devil comes to collect they call in lawyers to fight for his right to
keep his soul. Between trials Homer is summoned to Hell....where he
consumes all of the donuts ever to exist....and he wants more. The
torturer is dumbfounded. This segment also features one of the greatest
quotes of all Simpsondome: "Mmmmm....forbidden doughnut." I say it every
time I eat donuts.
5. The Genesis Tub
love Sci-Fi (and SyFy). I always thought the idea of mold turning into a
civilization was awesome. This segment has its hits or misses but what
makes the episode great it when Bart continually destroys the society in
the petri dish, the society finally evolves far enough that they have
space ships, which they send out to battle Bart. I laugh every time.
4. Clown Without Pity
on Chucky and other killer doll movies a Krusty doll comes to life and
tries to kill Homer. That part isn't really what makes this episode
great. The best part is when Homer goes to purchase the doll, he goes to
an occult store and his conversation with the store owner is priceless.
And the fact that they call service and the technician comes out to discover that the doll has been "set to evil." HAHAHAHAHA
3. Time and Punishment
love time travel. In this segment Homer breaks a toaster (in the
funniest way possible) so he fixes it, inadvertently building a time
machine. He goes back to the days of dinosaurs and every time he touches
anything or ruins something it changes the future in drastic ways. At
first he's really cautious and the littlest things turn into nightmares:
Ned rules the world, Donuts don't exist (but they rain), and then
finally he has enough and goes on a murderous rampage. He never does get
the world put back exactly as it was but he's content with it.
2. The Shinning
the greatest segment in Treehouse of Horror history and easily the most
quotable. No beer and no TV make Homer Something Something. Urge to
Kill RISING. And the fact that this starts of a chain reaction of Willy
getting an Axe to the back in every segment just cements this episode as
one of the greats. This segment spoofs The Shining, even though they
try to tiptoe around it because of lawsuit issues by calling it the
SHINNING. Every moment of this segment from them driving out to the old
hotel and continuously forgetting things at home to them freezing to
death watching bad TV, this episode is just unending win from beginning
to end.
1. Homer3
- Mr. Gable
Mr. Gable resides mostly in Mr. Gable's Reality. That reality is much more fun than the one you live in. There, ANYTHING is possible! Ridiculous fights, out of place robots, unnecessary sequels, annoying characters, Troll 2, and anything Charles Band has ever touched! Mr. Gable's Reality is your independent resource for everything BAD. Bad Movie News, Reviews, Opinions, and so much more!

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