Guts and Grog Tooned Up

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Critters, Gods, and The Witches

I once lived in a shitty basement on the street of hookers in Yakima, WA with Jeremy Gaulkenstein. This is where our first major horror marathon was born. Forty nine days of horror was a success. Hundreds of movies watched, hundreds of forties drank, cartons of cigarettes smoked, and a gross out war that included me sticking his copy of "Re-Animator" in my scritt(between the balls and the asshole). He reacted by tying a sausage to his sausage and recreating the tranny scene from "Pink Flamingos."

Jeremy has done a drawing inspired by the film based on the Roald Dahl classic "The Witches." Check the trailer below and make sure to click the picture to see it in full size epicness.

Jeremy is a published writer. His books include "What the Master Does Not Speak Of – Poems and Drawings by Jeremy Gaulke" and "The Ghost of Harrison Sheets." He runs Critters and Gods which is an art zine inspired by H. P. Lovecraft. It features black and white and color illustrations depicting life, symbolism, and ritual in a post-Cthulhu world. 

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