15. Burzum: Fallen- Varg is out of prison, he is a horrible person. The first two Burzum records have raped my face off with pure aggresion numerous times. This one is epic, beautiful and brutal. Pour a drink and turn this shit to eleven and drift away into another world with less daytime drama.

14. The Tree of Life: OST- Tree of Life was an experience more than a movie. This is not about the movie though. The music is fucking atmospheric and I have spent hours just laying listening to it.

13. The Lonely Island: Turtleneck & Chain- Lonely Island are fucking funny. Outside of that their songs are catchy like AIDS. Anthems like I Just had Sex will have you singing with Akon. Michael Bolton deserves a Grammy for his work on this album. Hearing him say "this whole towns a pussy just waiting to get fucked." well I can scratch that off my bucket list.

12. Creature Feature: It was a Dark and Stormy Night- After a hiatus Creature Feature returns with this dark,horror inducing, children's fantasy.

11. Zombi: Escape Velocity- Sure these guys are basically just Goblin reincarnate but I am OK with that.

10. Weedeater: Jason....The Dragon- Doomy, stoner, heavy fucking metal. Choose your poison, turn this up loud and enjoy.

9. Exhumed: All Guts, No Glory- Gore metal returns. Loud, brutal and rapingley in your face. I was lucky enough to see these guys on tour with Macabre and it owned my soul.

8. Macabre: Grim Scary Tales- Nursery rhymes of death. Nothing quite as memorable as Vampire of Dusseldorf but I am always OK with Macabre.

7. Rufus Rex: Dead Beat- Dark and fun punk rock from have of Creature Feature.

6. Trap Them: Darker Handcraft- Fast, brooootal and amazing. A little more melodic than their last couple but that doesn't bother me one bit. This shit will kick you in the face, which is funny because when they came through I got kicked in the face super hard by some douche jumping off the stage. Great fucking show.

5. Drive: OST- The first few songs will make you feel like you are watching Silk Stalkings back in the ninety's then the score just owns you. One of the best soundtracks in ages.

4. Doomtree: No Kings- Basically a super group of awesome. This has only been out for a short time but I can't stop listening to it.

3. Sadistik/ Kristoff Krane/Graham O' Brien: Prey for Paralysis- I have already reviewed this here and I still haven't gotten enough. It is like being raped by the most romantic dude ever.

2. Blood Freak: Mindscraper- Blood Freak is back with a mother fucking vengeance. The first song is pretty much samples for five minutes. Everything from Freddy to Elves. After that they just get to the beating. This hits hard, fast and to the point. It's just how I like my men.

1. David Lynch: Crazy Clown Time- And you know it had to come to this. David Lynch makes fucked up, insane, beautiful, chaotic movies. Why would his music be any different? Crazy Clown Time is like if Crystal Castles did a meditation in the Black Lodge. This needs to be heard. Modern Masterpiece.
Well it was quite a diverse year in my world. Some great albums, not as many as some year but the top three specifically will be in my rotation for quite sometime. What were some of your choices?
The Drive Soundtrack will more then likely top my list if I do get around to making one in the next week or two.
I played songs from that every day since I bought it,
Besides "Zombi" I can't say I know any of these guys, but then again I'm more of an Indy/Alt. Music Guy.
Yeah. I think the Drive soundtrack is universally loved at this point in time. I like lots of Indy just nothing this year really stood out. I was super let down with the new Radiohead and I am not even sure if anything else came out I cared about.
Indy Stuff I Liked in 2011 in no order what so ever . . . "Young The Giant", "Naked and Famous", "Froster the People", "Airborne Toxic Event", "The Black Keys", "Cage The Elephant", "Cold Wars Kids", and "Fitz & the Tantrums".
Thanks. I will check them out. Both Doomtree and Sadistik are hip hop but have ties to the Indy world. I highly recommend them if you dig on hip hop at all. I know P.O.S. from Doomtree has done stuff with The Hold Steady and the music on Prey for Paralysis will blow you away.
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