Guts and Grog Tooned Up

Friday, September 21, 2012

Grog Contest Number Three

As some may know I recently sold most of my DVD collection. It was not my first choice but I needed the cash and you do what you have to do. Well, I still have a few of the OOP or rare titles left. I was going to put them on Ebay but I thought it might be fun to give all my fellow horror lovers a chance to add them to their collection. Most of these discs go from forty to one hundred fifty a piece. Outside of that, they are all great films in my opinion. Because of the epicness of this prize I am going to have a few more rules than I usually do. Still simple. Just a few guidelines I guess.

1. Like the Guts and Grog FB or Twtter

2. In the comments section let me know your favorite article/list/review I have written. It can be anything listed on the site, that includes articles I have written on other sites which you can find in the "My shit elsewhere" section. You also need to leave your name and email address.

3. This is the big one. I will only pick a winner if there are at least fifty entries. So what I need from all of you is to share the hell out of this. Tell your friends, put it on all the social networking sites you can.

Well onto the goods.
Three Code Red titles: Madman, Rituals, and Nightmare.
Popcorn: OOP
Nekromantik: Barrel edition
Possession/Shock: Anchor Bay double feature
Murder Set Pieces- Directors cut: Very limited.

Going off Amazon prices that is around three hundred bucks worth of awesome. All you have to do is enter and share. Thanks for taking the time and good luck. If there are at least fifty entries by October 13th I will draw a lucky winner.



pukegalore said...

I simply appreciate your Review A to Z... Can spend days and months looking/studying on any new (old film that I never heard of) movies that I need to watch.

Mister Bones said...

I actually think my favorite is the Nazis at the Center of the Earth review. I bought the movie based off of your review, having never actually seen it, and I rarely buy movies without checking them out first.

DOC TERROR said...

I loved the article you wrote for Italian Horror Week this year over at Dr. Terror. It was an amazing assortment of titles and it got everyone talking. I'm still thankful that you participated and my only regret was that we couldn't get together and pound the Campari or J&B (even though I don't drink anymore).
This is an amazing giveaway. Nightmare and Nekromantik have been eluding me and I'm dying to see Murder Set Pieces. Love the rest.
James Harris

Anonymous said...

The 31 Days of Horror Nerd Indoctrination last year during The Madness was awesome.

Kill the Thing You Love said...

Definitely the beyond the black rainbow review you wrote recently. I've heard mixed things but none of the reviews told me me much about the film itself. With yours I feel like I can check it out and know what I should prepare myself for.

Ted Jackins

Unknown said...

My favorite review is probably Antichrist. That's the one that really got me into The Grog. I also really like the Scream 4 review for being so accurate in a weird way. Jea!

- Cody F.

Gabe Nye the Science Guy said...

I do really love all the articles I wrote, but I suppose your recent couch cutter piece about movie raps was pretty awesome.

Shit Movie Fest said...

I liked reading about your video store "Videodrome", wish I could have checked it out!

Frank Browning said...

Halloween 2 (1981) Review. Love that friggin flick!

Frank Browning

James said...

Loved your Livide review. Considering I had seen it a year ago or so and didn't like it much (yet loved Inside), I decided to give it another whirl. And to be honest, I did enjoy it much better this time around. So bravo.

James McCormick

SonOfCelluloid said...

Holy shit this is an awesome prize!!! I think your DGN and FP reviews are probably my favorites. That movie raps piece was the tits too.

Unknown said...

Best of the year Lists


B. Bennett said...

Very awesome contest indeed.

As far as reviews, I loved your piece on Stakeland. I'm a huge fan of the film, and feel too many people are missing out on it.

Also, loved the article on Netflix. There's some great trash on there, but not as much as I feel there should be more.

Unknown said...

So far my favorite would be the The Garbage Pail Kids review! I still have a bunch of the cards and I have always loved that movie.

Greg Baty said...

Twilight is Bullshit is my favorite article. How can it not be?

Unknown said...

I enjoyed the Italian Horror Week article, it's a list very similar to what I'd pick. A lot of times people seem to think they have to include certain films out of respect...yours is straightforward and I'm with that.

Blank Valley Film said...

First I enjoy all reviews because that is how I'm introduced to new movies. But one of my favorite articles is the Top Ten Horror Video Games. I appreciate that you posted about video games on your horror blog and that you included Heavy Rain in the list. The part with Madison and the doctor was the best and scariest part of that game!

Matthew Ragsdale

Unknown said...

I like gingerdead man review!
Because I like small toys, things and food killing people too!

Peach MoMoKo

ArcLight said...

I like "5 Sequels You Hate And Why You Are Wrong" over at Couch Cutter because I like most of those sequels. I need to track down C.H.U.D. II and watch it again, now.

Jayx315x said...

Deft have to say Top 50 horror sequels also. Because most of the sequels out there are a gaggle of cocks...


Serpymatt said...

I'd have to say my fave is your Crypticon article :)

Matt P

VaderMcCandless said...

I thoroughly enjoyed your "Top 20 Horror Scores" list!

Mr. Gable said...

I enjoyed following the top 50 horror sequels list. Amazing contest dude.

Merrill Womach said...

Hey man, so I did some digging and I think the best review on this site would have to be for The Garbage Pail Kids movie. I laughed my ass off. Definitely the best review for this movie ever. Where else will you see the film compared to the Bible? GPK for life.


Anonymous said...

My favorite: ITALIAN HORROR WEEK: Tromeric Counts 'Em Down and Puts 'Em Back
Leah Smith

Anonymous said...

Loved your review of AMER, and totally agreed. A complete masterpiece, and a beautiful giallo. Also a huge fan of your double write up on HAUSU, or as I prefer to say, "HOOOOOOOOUUUUUUSSSSSSE!!!"

Jakob Bilinski

krystie said...

So this is me trying again to comment on your review of The Woman. I agree with what you said about it being slow in the beginning. The movie gave great back-story to what was to come (and stayed very true to the book). Love Ketchum, and this was one of his best movies from a book in my opinion. If you haven't seen it, you should. The revenge shit that wraps this movie up is incredible.

Anonymous said...

Frankly, your Reviews A to Z has been something I've used to cut through some of the bullshit other more, uh, shall I say, "pretentious" reviewers who don't understand how to properly review a (b-rated) horror film! Oh, please update your Best Horror Films by Year, too! Keep up the good work.

Tyler McKnight

Unknown said...

Your review of Rare Exports was fucking amazing! i will quote you here. "I love buying my friends fucked up posters of a Serbian Film, sex toys, drug paraphernalia, stuffed dead things and action figures of serial killers." Goood shit. Oh! I loved the movie also.

Mike Colby

The Cuminator said...

I Specially loike your "5 Punxploitation Films" article!

Made me discover new films!

Unknown said...

I really liked your 555 review. A movie that needs to be watched by every horror fan out there, cannot wait to get my hardbox!
Tony Ramos

Unknown said...

I liked all the Halloween Reviews. Halloween (1978) is my favorite of all time. I'm sure a lot of people would agree with me. Jeremiah Ball Email:

Unknown said...

Netflix: A Blessing or a Curse? very coool titles you chose i seen some of them actually :D and ya netflix is awesome not always great movies but it rules!! - KidRomeo -

Lord of Filth said...

Frozen review, because I couldn't agree more!

combustion07 said...

The Tucker and Dale review. Agree with everything said in it completely.

Shawn Brucker

Anonymous said...

Your 2011 year end review, helped me remember some lost gems and it was funny.

Keith said...

best of the year(s) hands down.

Brandi said...

The Twilight is Bullshit article. Good stuff.

Brandi Weeks

Unknown said...

Definitely the "Livid" review. After reading that, I could NOT wait to watch that film, especially since I was such a huge fan of Inside. Good luck with the contest. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Amanda

Austin said...

I first found your site during the "31 days of Horror Nerd Indoctrination" around day 5 and 6, and I loved checking back each day for the updates. Def my fav thing on the site (so far!)


Unknown said...

My favorite review was the Prom Night remake! "Monstrous Rhino Shitstorm" sums it up pretty well!

Vincent Renfield

Mr.DePrEsSo said...

Around Guts and Grog since last October.Tucker & Dale vs Evil,Top 50 Horror Sequels are my favorites.NEKROMANTIK,POPCORN,MURDER-SET-PIECES in one pack???? I'll envy , may be I'll stalk or I'll 'Peeping Tom' the winner.Beware a Crazy Indian Guy is watching you O.O


brandon_2385 said...

Loved you VHS review. You basically convinced me to watch the film when before I passed.

I loved it. We basically have the same tastes in horror films dude!

Brandon Fields

DOTS said...

A Serbian Film. Was looking for a review on that one and read yours.


csue said...

I liked that He's Back (The Man Behind The Mask) was number 1 on the Top Songs in Horror Movies list, and you put Pet Semetary and Dream Warriors on it. I can still hear those in my head sometimes.

unrealbe said...

I'm gonna be completely honest.
I only ever read the nazis at the center of the eart review from you before finding out about the contest. However at least now I will add you to my blogfeed and keep reading your stuff.

Thanks for the opportunity, some nices prizes.


btoom129 said...

Can I cheat and say the 31 Days of Horror Fan Indoctrination? No, I have to pick one? Well, then I'll go with Day Twelve: Joe Bob Briggs. A great man.


Unknown said...

i LOVE your review on the piece of crap they slapped the hellraiser name on. i'm a hellraiser fan, and good ol' doug is one of the most amazing men alive. he left me a voicemail once and told me he was going to tear my soul apart. best voicemail EVER. anyway, the fact you gave it a .5/5 made my life.

sarah browning

Anonymous said...

You took the time to review all of the Gingerdead Man movies, sparing the rest of humanity. I dig that.

Unknown said...

I really enjoyed your top 10 movies of different categories. they are really fun to read about your opinions about them. keep it up and make your readers smile!!

Alex Is Legend said...

I love the whole 31 Days of Horror Nerd Indoctrination series. Such a fun read. I think my favorite one is day 6, because I liked the nostalgic look at VHS. Really brought me back.


DVB said...

Horror Picks By Year,Very Good Ones.Also,for what it's worth,Oh,how Nekromantik part ! has eluded my collection...hehe.

inSain9876 said...

I really liked the The Wynorski Theorem list with the "so bad they are great" films. We are trying to fit in some horror movie/show/game every day this month and I will have to add some of these to our upcoming list of things to watch.

Also, I checked it out and will one month do you 30 Day Horror Challenge. Sounds like a blast.

Dustin Sain -

semily said...

Oops sorry I was logged onto my bf's account. The Blob was my favorite. That's one of my favorite sci-fi movies.

Emily Scott

Dan Clausen said...

I really enjoyed your V/H/S review. It's not often that I see praise for that film, so I loved reading that.

Thomas A.K. said...

l really liked and agreed with(most of your 5 SEQUELS YOU HATE AND WHY YOU ARE WRONG article.

Thomas Kingsmill