here we are at the end of another year. And of course that means it's
time to compress everything down to an attractive list of the best and
worst of the last
365 days. I decided to forgo the list format again this year and just
ramble incessantly until you say "fuck it" and go back to watching your
tri-racial, tentacle rape midget porn, or whatever it is that you're
into. So, open up a new window and lets get
it on.
been a hell of a year in the House of VonKlingele this year. A lot of
ups and too many downs. Had a blast as a first time vendor at Crypticon
Seattle this year
with Guts & Grog and Critters & Gods. We did a lot of things
wrong, but we learned a lot for the next time around. I released my
first limited run figure in my Jason inspired horrorball, with another
one on it's way, and fulfilled one of my life long dreams.
Made some new friends on these here fancy interwebs and in the real
world. At the end of the day it was a good year and gives me hope for
next year.
lets move on to the really important stuff, what happened in the
wonderful world of pop culture this year. I'll kick things off with my
first true love, toys.
We finally saw horror toys gaining some more ground this year. It's
seems like it's been a downward trend the last few years, but I think
we've finally turned a corner. Neca brought it hard as usual this year
giving us some of their best offerings in the
last few years. The real stand outs are the 8 bit version of Jason and
Freddy. An idea that seems obvious in retrospect, and was a really nice
breath of fresh air for two characters we've seen a thousand times
before. Add in their retro MEGO style figures,
power glove Freddy, and the continued Aliens and Predator lines and
Neca ruled the aisles this year. They weren't the only ones though.
really warmed my heart this year was seeing some new original
properties pop up this year. Nothing frustrates me more than the fact
that every toy on the pegs
has to be from some existing franchise. Growing up in the 80's some of
my favorite toys were the ones that were made just to be toys, I mourn
the loss of creativity and inspiration in plastic form. It's the same
feeling I get from an endless parade of sequels
and remakes. This year we got two new toy lines that try to change
up, we have Ugglys. The spiritual successors to Boglins. These are
ugly, slime covered dog head puppets that make burping and farting
noises when you open and
close their mouths and they make my inner ten year old giddy every
we have Monster 500. In a just world these would be the next Garbage
Pail Kids. A series a Rat Fink inspired racers based off of a who's who
of monsters, mutants,
and red neck hillbilly killers. These have a great design and the
final product is really nice. There's also an accompanying app/game to
hopefully hook these short attention span kids and pull them away from
tweeting pictures of there dicks to their teachers,
or whatever it is kids do for fun these days.

Hands down my favorite figures this year come from Super 7. The vintage Alien line is a thing of pure beauty. Super 7 managed to get access to the molds for the planned, but unproduced, line of Alien figures from Kenner. Originally planned to continue Kenner's success with the Star Wars line that was dominating everything, they ultimately decided that a terrifying, rape monster from space wasn't the best way to go for a line of toys for the kiddies and canceled it. The final product perfectly captures that vintage feeling, from the package design to the spot on paint apps. Also exciting is the news that Super 7 plans to continue the vintage treatment for some more cult movies Like Predator and Escape from New York, so hopefully I'll be writing about those here next year.

Anyone who knows my surely saw this coming, but Hesitation Marks, the new album from Nine Inch Nails, was amazing. Trent Reznor has stayed busy in the past few years since he put NIN on hiatus and he's put out some of his best stuff in that time. The full length How to Destroy Angels was fantastic and could have taken this spot any other time. I had a lot of expectations for a new NIN album, and the fact that it was announced out of nowhere didn't help matters. Some of the singles released for the album didn't quite ease my uncertainty, but once I had it in my hands and the head phones on that all washed away. It's a very different album, and not all of the songs work, but as a whole it's some of the best raw, emotional work NIN has produced in years. Add in the awe inspiring live show I was lucky enough to catch and it's clear Reznor still has plenty to offer.
now on to the main event, movies. As usual I didn't get to see
everything I wanted this year, but most of what I saw I really enjoyed.
There were really only a
couple of movies that didn't live up to my expectations. Elysium was a
good movie, but it really wasn't on par with what I wanted as a follow
up to the amazing District 9. My biggest disappointment this year was
easily Man of Steel. A visually beautiful
movie, that really showed what Zack Snyder can do when he reigns it in a
little. Unfortunately they manage to completely miss the point of who
Superman is and what he stands for.
Spoilers and ranting ahead
Superman doesn't let his dad die for no reason
after repeatedly being told to hide and not help anyone by his gaping
vagina of a father, he doesn't lay waste to a densely populated urban
spread without once trying to save any of the millions of people in very
real danger, and he doesn't murder someone
unless there is absolutely no other option. I'll leave it at that and
move on to greener pastures.
start with the comic book movies we got this year. Outside of Man of
Steel, I was pretty pleased. I really liked that they tried something
different with Iron
Man 3. Instead of trying to compete with the spectacle of the Avengers
we got a story that reminds us why Robert Downey Jr. is awesome and why
Tony Stark is the smartest guy in the room. At the end of the day
though, the most fun I had in the theatre with
a superhero was Thor: The Dark World. Equal parts Lord of the Rings
and Star Wars it's a entertaining, brisk movie with a great sense of
humor and two great leads.

This year, as usual, the world of fantasy tends to be geared toward tweens or brain dead overweight children, and gets churned out in the hopes of making a quick buck. Thankfully we have Peter Jackson to help remind everyone that fantasy movies don't have to be shit, and you can still sell out for money. The second Hobbit movie was an improvement over the last one in almost every way, and I loved the first one. The Desolation of Smaug really got it's groove back. It felt like we were finally getting a story worth investing all this time in. We finally get a little less walking and talking and more escaping from elves in barrels, plus Benedict Cumberbatch straight kills it as Smaug. Easily one of my favorite movies of the year, I can't wait for the final chapter next year.

lets move on to horror and finish this long winded crap up. I'll
preface this by saying I didn't watch near the amount of new horror I
intended to, but what I did
watch was an improvement over last year. There was a lot of fun to be
had with horror movies this year. Sharknado was amazing in the worst
way possible, despite the Internets best efforts to completely ruin
it. Hatchet 3 was exactly what I wanted in another
sequel, ridiculous gore and good laughs, and This is the End gave us
some straight up laughs and demon cock. We saw a really, really solid
return from Chucky, ditching the humor of the last two and bringing the
franchise back to it's roots in a totally genuine
way. Hell, even V/H/S/ 2 managed to be an improvement over the
mediocre first one.
were two movies that were in a whole different league though. I've
been back and forth on my thoughts about Rob Zombie as a film maker. I
like a lot of what
he does, but it starts to feel a little one note after awhile. Because
of that I went in to Lords of Salem with pretty low expectations and
had them completely blown away. Just imagine Roman Polanski and Stanley
Kubrick making out while David Lynch sits
there and watches, then Polanski starts talking about little girls and
everything gets really awkward so Rob Zombie steps in and attempts to
lighten the mood. That's this movie, mesmerizing and strange as hell.
It's always nice to see the more cerebral horror
turn it's head every so often. Now my favorite horror movie of the
you had told me this time last year that I would be getting ready to
type up a paragraph about how fucking good the Maniac remake was I
would've slapped you right
square in the balls. And yet here we are. To say my expectations were
low for this would be a huge understatement. Then I heard the score
and was really impressed, even picking it up before I had seen the
movie, and thought maybe I'll give it a watch some
time. Jump to one of my visits down to the land o' hipsters to visit
Tromeric and he insists I have to watch it. I roll my eyes, finish my
special rice krispie treat, and settle in for what I was sure would be a
waste my evening. Then the movie starts and
I can't take my eyes off of it. It's a beautiful movie, and the use of
first person is shockingly good. One scene in particular where the
camera shifts to a third person view in one smooth, seamless move in the
middle of a kill was worth watching all by
itself. Elijah Wood somehow pulls off a genuinely threatening killer
and they tell the same story without shitting all over the original. It
stands on it's own, which is one of the largest problems facing
remakes. So, in closing, if you've been putting
this movie off, don't. It's well worth your time.
I really let this one get away from me. I guess last year was a good
year in pop culture. If you actually made it through these ramblings,
thanks for reading.
I've got big plans personally next year and there looks to be some
pretty fantastic stuff coming up in the magical land of pop culture.
Lets meet back here next year and see what I can bitch about from 2014.
- Jacob VonKlingele
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